“केवल विश्वास चाहिये। भगवान विश्वास होते ही सब काम बना-बनाया है। सकाम निष्काम की बात नहीं है। बात है भगवान्‌ का भजन करने की, विश्वास पूर्वक भगवान को स्मरण करने की । फिर चाहे किसी भी कामना से आप भगवान को क्यों न भजें, आपको श्री भगवान ही मिलेंगे। श्रीमहाप्रभु चैतन्य देव के समान प्रेम की शिक्षा देने वाला और कौन मिलेगा ? उन्होंने एक जगह स्वयं अपने प्रिय-से- प्रिय शिष्य श्री सनातन गोस्वामी को शिक्षा देते हुए कहा था- 'अन्य कामी यदि करे कृष्णेर भजन' (यदि मनुष्य किसी दूसरी कामना से भी श्रीकृष्ण का भजन करे तो) 'ना माँगि लेओ श्रीकृष्ण तारे देन स्व-चरण' (श्रीकृष्ण न माँगने पर भी उसे अपने चरणों को ही दे डालते हैं). “

“Only faith is needed. Once you have faith in God, everything falls into place effortlessly. The question is not about having selfish or selfless desires; it is about chanting God’s name and remembering Him with faith. Then, regardless of what desire brings you to worship God, you will ultimately attain Him. Who else can give a teaching of love like Shri Mahaprabhu Chaitanya Dev? At one point, he was instructing his most beloved disciple, Shri Sanatan Goswami, and said, ‘Even if a person worships Krishna with some other desire,’ (meaning they approach with worldly desires) ‘without asking, Shri Krishna grants them His own feet,’ (meaning, even without asking for liberation or spiritual fulfillment, Krishna blesses them with His divine grace).”

– Shree Radha Baba

Shri Radha Baba, (Shri Chakradhar Mishra) (1913–1992), was a revered saint of Gorakhpur who led a life of profound austerity and devotion. Despite his brilliance as a scholar fluent in multiple languages, Radha Baba chose to live away from public attention, believing that a true Sanyasi should remain humble and hidden. His spiritual journey began with a deep devotion to Lord Shiva and Vedanta, but after meeting Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, affectionately called Bhaiji, his path transformed. Under Bhaiji’s guidance, Radha Baba embraced the Bhakti Marg, becoming a dedicated follower of Lord Krishna in the Radha Bhava tradition. A staunch practitioner of Naam Sadhana and Bhava Samadhi, Radha Baba lived a life of severe simplicity, never touching money or indulging in luxuries. His spiritual practices were intense, often leading him into deep states of Samadhi. He never sought fame and wrote anonymously, inscribing his works as “Ek Sadhu.” Although he never made disciples, his teachings on the power of prayer and chanting the Lord’s name left an indelible mark on those who followed him. His life remains a rare example of humility, devotion, and spiritual excellence.


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